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JoinedJuly 25, 2024
Cutaway of the Porsche Taycan's powertrain
Summary: Porsche has scaled back its EV goals due to declining global EV sales and market uncertainties Porsche is prioritizing hybrid vehicles as a transition between gasoline and fully electric models Porsche will continue to produce the V8 Cayenne until 2030 Other manufacturers, like Volvo and Mercedes-Benz, are also adjusting...
Three-quarter front view of a blue Porsche 924
When it came out, the Porsche 924 became a world-beater right away. Nowadays, it’s often regarded as a milestone in Porsche’s history. But this nameplate’s origins could have taken it down a very different road. Before it became the sleek, high-performance sports car we know today, the 924 almost emerged...